Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Let's Start Over

The Heligoats box 2 from Snap FM on Vimeo.

We all know how it works, we get a new band to listen to for a week or so and then get tired of them. They become recycled to the bottom of your "most played" list on your iTunes, only to be brought out again at random points of desperation for something new. Occasionally, though we find something special- a band that can keep you riding a high for weeks. I guess you could call it love.

And there's nothing like falling in love with a new band, right? Well, it's happened to me once again, and it was exactly the lift I needed. Something fresh, something that spoke to me in a way that I'd never heard, from a band I'd never heard of. They're called The Heligoats, which is mainly a product of Chris Otepka work. Reading the clever lyrics and listening to his slanted rhymes in songs like "Dark," "The Great Outdoors," and "Fish Sticks" (featured above) left me feeling like I couldn't get enough. I wanted more. The voice and the approach are just so well versed with each other that I had to tell someone about what I'd found. The video above shows how simple, yet beautiful his music is. I love that. I don't know if in a week's time whether the Heligoats will still have my full attention, but at the moment they are THE BEST EVER (caps for emphasis, not fury). We'll see how long that lasts, though, and then I suppose I'll know if this love was "true."

-Eric Hawkinson

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