Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Arctic Sprint

Yesterday, reportedly 15 minutes of exposure to the four degree weather outside could cause frostbite. Today is not much better with a mere seven degrees and an 11 mph wind chill making it feel like negative nine degrees.
This type of weather leads many UI students to take the most inconvenient route to their classes- walking through every building in sight just to stay warm. And for those too frigid to move, the cold compels groups of student-shaped icicles to wait for lengthy periods of time simply to ride a heated Cambus.
Yes, the UI campus has resembled an arctic town for the past few weeks, with North Face- coated and UGG-booted Eskimos hiding their faces behind their furry hoods on every street corner.
I am disappointed by the groundhog this year- when he didn’t see his shadow he gave me hope for the early arrival of spring but it currently looks like this bitter winter has no end in sight.
On the positive side, the enduring chilly weather has given me the opportunity to practice sprinting as I rush from heated building to heated building to get to my classes. At this rate, I’ll be ready to join the track team by the time spring arrives.

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