Monday, January 28, 2008

It's been almost 14 years without him...

So I decided to celebrate the cinematic genius, the acting great, the oh-so-suave that is: John Candy.
Now, I don't claim to be any old John Candy expert, so here are simply my favorites. In no particular order.

1). Uncle Buck.

2). Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.

3). The Great Outdoors.

4). Space Balls.

5). Blues Brothers.

6). Cool Runnings.

7). Splash. Actually this movie kind of sucked. And so did his role in it. But it's fresh in my mind from it's constant rotation on WE television.

and for appearing as the voice of Wilbur in "Rescuers Down Under" Mr. Candy receives my "most improved" award.


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