Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Best Twwweeets of 2010

If we learned anything in 2010, besides the side effects of oil, adding mosque to my vocabulary, and how much Arizona loves diversity, it'd have to be that Twitter is here to stay. At first I was amazed by its simplicity. By basically stealing the status update from Facebook, Twitter busted on the scene and made anyone who can type suddenly important. Now here we are at the end of 2010, and it can finally be concluded that Everyone has Twitter. That is, everyone that matters.

And just to clarify that when I say everyone that matters, I mean famous people. Everyone loves famous people, except there's that slight curiosity we repress that tears us apart to know what exactly famous people think throughout the course of their everyday famous lives. Do they wake up everyday and put their pants on one leg at a time? (Or one meat limb at a time, Gaga?) Do they make the same decisions we do? (Hmm... Red or Yellow Ferrari today?) While thanks to Twitter, all our unfulfilled answers of celebrity's most inner thoughts are available to us at our own disposal. So without further ado, I'd like to list the top 5 most inner thoughts from my favorite famous people whom I follow intensely everyday waking minute of my life. Enjoy.

5. 50 Cent (Still keepin' it gangsta via 140 characters or less)

@50CENT: Perez hilton calld me douchebag so I had my homie shoot up a gay wedding. wasnt his but still made me feel better.

I only wish I could be a fly on the wall for 50's therapy sessions.

4. Kevin Jonas (The bad boy of the bros)

@kevinjonas: Bieber fans are talking shit about me? I’m sorry, I can’t hear them. I’m not seated near the kids table…

AWWWW SHIIIAAAAT YOOO! Was dat a Thanksgiving themed insult K-Jo?

3. Kanye West

@kanyewest: i hate when im on a flight & I wake up with a water bottle next 2 me like oh great now i gotta be responsible for this water bottle

Sounds like Yeezy's having a Larry David moment.

2. John McCain

@Sn00ki u r right, I would never tax your tanning bed! Pres Obama's tax/spend policy is quite The Situation. but I do rec wearing sunscreen!

He's Hip! He's Fresh! He's familiar with Jersey Shore! McCain 2012!

1. Al Qaeda

@alqaeda: just noticed twitter keeps keeps prompting me to "Add a location to your tweets." not falling for that one.

Damn, there goes all that money spent on intelligence.

by: EvAn ClArK

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