Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Say Cheese

My grandmother is known for playing paparazzi. As she opens her door to greet me, I am instantly blinded by a white flash of light. I see my life unfold in front of my eyes until I realize that it is only her camera. Her mustard yellow, grocery store bought, “old-school” film camera.

For years I have nagged her to go digital. She has a cell phone, DVD player, and even satellite television, but she refuses to buy an SLR camera.
“Grandma, this Canon 7D would look wonderful in your home,” I say.
“I will just get a nice plant instead,” she replies.

I try to convince her that digital software allows individuals to alter ISO, aperture, and shutter speeds to their hearts content, yet she still ignores my pleas. This is why, when my multimedia class assignment consisted of a photo slideshow using a simple Kodak point and shoot camera, my jaw hit the floor.

I began my photo adventure with a negative outlook. Yet the more I snapped photos, my attitude drastically changed. Without technology I could really test my eye. It wasn’t a matter of adjusting camera modes but of where objects were placed. Every shot looked more candid compared to my previous shots on digital cameras. Furthermore, I was excited to get photos developed. I felt like a child waiting for Santa on Christmas Eve.

This experiment has persuaded me to not save up for the latest and greatest camera, but to use equipment that my dear granny still finds hip. I prefer not knowing what is not beneath the LCD screen, and finding out in a pleasant, or unfortunate surprise.
-Laura Willis

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