BD - 6:30 - As a journalist, it's physically painful to watch Ryan Seacrest interact with other human beings. Whoever decided he needed to be let out of his cage from the set of American Idol made a huge mistake.
MA - If I could kill one person tonight, it would be Ryan Seacrest.

Sup guys?
BD - 6:43 - M.I.A. shows up smuggling seven watermelons past red carpet security. She claims pregnancy, but I'm not buying.
BD - 6:51 - Quincy Jones: "I remember in 1958 when..." Ryan Seacrest: "ZZZZZZZZZZ...."
BD - 6:55 - Hole in the Wall is on Fox!!! What were we watching?
BD - 6:59 - Mercifully, Hole in the Wall is over just in time to switch to CBS for the show proper. It's about to get real.
7:01 - Opening Performance by U2:
MA: Is that Kanye?
BD: Nope, it's U2. Sorry to disappoint.
MA: Note: I'm wearing a shirt designed by Bono, with all the proceeds going to cure AIDS. I got it on clearance for $4 (originally 40).
BD: You're a terrible person.
MA: No, I'm just a smart shopper.
7:05 - Best R&B album, introduced by Ms. Whitney Houston:
MA: Holy shit! Is that Whitney Houston? Shouldn't she be in rehab? Shouldn't Bobby Brown be hitting her?
...oh my god she's high as shit!
BD: Trainwreck aside, if Raphael Saadiq doesn't win I'm cutting someone.
7:07 - Jennifer Hudson wins:
BD: ...and we're one for one on disappointments tonight. But I'm not going to say too much about this one because I'm not that much of a jerk.
MA: I will. Her album was not good. At all. Poor decision. That's it.
7:08 - Dwayne Johnson's opening:
MA: The Rock can spell! Who knew?
7:11 - First performance, Justin Timberlake & Al Green & Boyz II Men:
BD: "Take Me to the River?" Is that the track the singing bass sings?
MA: Yes.
BD: Love it!
MA: Look at this impromptu performance. They're just karaoke-ing together.
7:21 - Performance, Coldplay (with Jay-Z):
MA: Is that Kanye?!?!?
BD: Well, Coldplay's on, so feel free to go make a sandwich or something.
MA: I predict Coldplay will sweep tonight.
BD: Sweep the Suck Awards in every category I just made up in my head!
MA: You know how I know you're gay?
BD: Because you listen to Coldplay?
7:28 - Yet Another Performance, Carrie Underwood:
MA: She looks hot tonight. Too bad she can't sing.
BD: I have nothing to add to that.
MA: Carrie Underwood's guitarist is a smokin' hot babe-fox. I'd fuck her in a heartbeat.
MA: I don't think country music should be included in the Grammys. They have the Country Music Awards already, they should be segregated.
BD: You know, if you replace "Country Music Awards" with "Source Awards," you sound like a total racist.
MA: Alternative name for the Grammys: "Waiting for Kanye"
7:37 - Highlight of the evening thus far is a commercial:
7:41 - Song of the Year (Coldplay wins):
MA: Look at them! They look like a raggedy Sergeant Pepper's.
BD: They just admitted to it!
MA: Paul seems alright with it. I love Paul.
7:44 - Kid Rock performs a medley of crap:
BD: Go ahead and make yourself another sandwich or something. Do you have the remote? Is this gonna last a while?
7:54 - Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift perform (FOR THE FIRST TIME EVERRRRR!!!):
BD: Is this from High School Musical?
MA: Miley Cyrus can't sing worth a shit. I'd rather listen to just Taylor Swift, and that's saying something. Also, it looks like a Miley was involved in some kind of sequin-related accident.
BD: With any luck, this will be the first and last time they ever perform together.
8:01 - Jennifer Hudson performs:
MA: Jennifer Hudson looks gorgeous. I wish she was singing a better song...Are those elephants on her ears?
BD: No, they're those sticky hands you buy for 25 cents out of vending machines and throw against a wall for 5 minutes until you get bored.
8:10 - The JoBros and Stevie wonder perform:
BD: I can't speak about this. It makes my heart hurt. I bet they told Stevie he's performing with, you know, somebody talented before they sent him onstage.
BD: Oh my, now a gang of young white boys are accosting that old man.
MA: I want to rip that scarf off that JoBro's neck.
BD: The longer this song goes on, the more I lose the will to live.
8:23 - Katy Perry performs:
MA: She really just should have lip-synched. But she does look good, and the set's hot.
MA: The Jonas Brothers were underwhelmed by that performance.
8:27 - Kanye and Estelle perform:
MA: It's KANYE!!!! (incomprehensible screaming)
MA: I'm not sure why she's wearing a potato sack, though.
BD: Good music! Yes! We're only an hour and a half in.

8:50 - M.I.A.'s baby opens for four rappers:
MA: Look at these badasses. More Kanye!
BD: We might as well stop watching. Nothing's topping this. M.I.A. is holding off labor just to perform! Her dance move is something I like to call the "hump your baby's head."
9:00 - Paul McCartney performs with Animal (Dave Grohl) on drums:
BD: Following Sir McCartney's performance, Melea slipped into a euphoria-induced coma. So I think we might have to call it a night here. Enjoy the rest of the show, suckers!

1 comment:
OMG, couple post! This is so cute! I hope you guys do the oscars too!
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